I am going on vacation! For the first time in 3 years, J and I are getting out of Dodge and spend sometime relaxing. It is the first time in 3 years that we have felt that we could spend money on playing. We are overdue for sabbath time. So we are taking the last week of the Summer to see the sites.

We plan to go to Montreal and Quebec City, Canada. Neither of us have ever been there. It isn't far but I believe it will be to a different culture. It will be a bit of a pilgrimage for me too. The Ursulines, the order I belonged to years ago, have a house there. It was the first house of the Order in North America, founded in 1639. They were the first community of women to come to North America. There is a small museum there. I hope I will be able to make contact with some of the sisters, that is if they speak English.
We hope to sample some French cuisine and most of all just relax with the slower pace that Canada often offers us frenetic Americans.
It is not for nothing that this Sunday's readings deal with the Sabbath. It is a time for rest and appreciating God's world. That we will do if we don't get caught up with having to see everything, or feeling we have to be somewhere "on time." We bid your prayers for us as we travel. We will carry you in our hearts. May you know a Sabbath's rest too.
Then I will return refreshed to begin my new work as Pastor of St. Luke's. What a treat!
Well, enjoy that much-needed vacation. We'll look forward to hearing about your special experiences when you return... refreshed and raring to go!!
You will love Quebec City if you manage to get around to the Old City. I have seen the original Ursuline convent, and it is remarkable for the stonework.
The food is unbelievable. Of course, I speak French and Canadian French...it's just a different pronunciation...
I also loved Montreal, what I saw of it. My relatives had a condo on Mont Royal so it wasn't hard to get around. The old quarter has some interesting churches. And buildings.
Enjoy thy Sabbath, O Reverendissime Matre!
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