Friday, February 20, 2009

FRIDAY FIVE: Taking a Break

Songbird has come up with another amazing Friday Five:

Where we live, it's February School Vacation Week!

Yes, that's an odd thing, a vacation extending President's Day. But it's part of our lives here. Some people go South or go skiing, but we always stay home and find more humble amusements.

In that spirit, I offer this Taking a Break Friday Five. Tell us how you would spend:

1. a 15 minute break:

I stretch, get a cuppa coffee or tea depending upon who is in the office that has been brewing, shuffle to the loo, chat with anyone who is in the office and then try to get back to work.

2. an afternoon off

A luxury! I might get my nails done, or go shopping or take a nap. I do take afternoons off these days when there is nothing pressing. I might go to the book store where there is also a coffee shop and look at what is new.

3. an unexpected free day

Usually if I get an unexpected day it is due to snow so I read or play with the computer and enjoy researching things about church history or the Bible online while fixing a long cooking meal. If it is not snowing, a drive through the wine region of NY or a trip to visit friends will fill the bill.

4. a week's vacation

I try to get outta Dodge when I have that much time. If J. can go with me, we will plan a vacation. At this time of the year the Bahamas sure sound good. But there is so little money at the moment, we might go to TX and stay with my family. At least it is warmer. I have just returned from a 2 week visit with my mom. The weather there was warm enough for me to unwind and be able to face the last 2 months of winter in NY.

5. a sabbatical

I have had one sabbatical in my career back in the mid-90’s. I tried to stuff too much into it and didn’t get the chance to do anyone thing deeply. I did get to see a much broader part of the Anglican Communion, but I was more tired when I returned than when I went. Now I think I would like to go to the Diocese of Ft. Worth and just serve in parishes that do not have clergy. A large portion of that diocese left the Episcopal Church with the bishop and a major portion of the clergy. The lay folk are pretty mystified by it all and could use some clergy who will come and love them and show them that the rest of the Episcopal Church cares.


Dr. Laura Marie Grimes said...

What a beautiful idea for your sabbatical!

Lori said...

I did not know about that situation in Ft. Worth. That is just astonishing! That sounds like it would be a sabbatical gift that keeps on giving.

Unknown said...

I was definitely thinking of snow days, but didn't want to limit it for our winter-challenged pals. :-)